Salat is the most important act of worship in Islam, and if accepted by Allah (SWT), then all other acts of worship too will be accepted too, but if the Salat is not accepted, then all other actions will also not be accepted.
In the same way that if a person was to bathe five times a day, then no dirt or filth would remain on his body - Salat too, if performed five times every day will remove all the sins from a person and make him pure.
It has been narrated that the 6th Imam, Ja’far as-Sadiq (Peace be upon him), quoting his forefathers, quoting the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his progeny), said: Al-Imam Ja’far bin Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: “If there was a stream at the house of any one of you in which he washes himself five times a day, will there remain any dirt on your body?? Verily, the likeness of the Salat is the same as the stream. The person who establishes the ritual prayers clears out his sins thereby except for the sin that takes him out from the Faith that he believes in.” (Bihar al-Anwar: Volume 82, Page 236)
It is better that a person reads his Salat in the first time (when the time for Salat comes in), and one who considers the Salat as being something trivial is just like the one who does not read his Salat at all.
The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him and his progeny) has said that, “He who does not give importance to his Salat and considers it something light (trivial), is worthy of the punishment in the next life.”
It is better that those things that reduce the reward of the Salat are avoided; for example, reading the Salat in a state when one is sleepy, or looking up at the sky while one is praying. Rather, one should perform those actions which increase the reward of the Salat; such as praying with the cleanest clothes on, applying perfume, brushing the teeth, and combing the hair.