In the first and second Rak’at of the daily Salat, one must first recite Surah al – Fatiha, and then one other complete Surah from the Qur’an, for example Surah al – Tawhid.
Surah al – Fatiha
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
(In the Name of Allah The most Compassionate and The most Merciful).
Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil "alamin
(All Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of the creation).
Arrahmanir Rahim
(The Compassionate, the Merciful).
Maliki Yaw Middin
(Lord of the Day of Judgment).
Iyyaka Na"budu wa Iyyaka Nasta"in
(You alone we worship, and to You alone we pray for help).
Ihdinas Siratal Mustaqim
(Guide us to the straight path).
Siratal Lazina An’amta ‘Alayhim
(The path of those whom You have favored).
Ghayril Maghzubi ‘Alayhim Walazzaallin.
(Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray).
Surah Al – Tawhid
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
(In the Name of Allah The most Compassionate and The most Merciful).
Qul Huwallahu Ahad
(O Prophet!) Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique”.
Allahus Samad
(Allah is the All-embracing.).
Lam Yalid Walam Yulad
(He neither begat, nor was begotten,).
Walam Yakullahu Kufuwan Ahad.
(nor has He any equal).
And in the third and fourth Rak’at, one must recite Surah al – Fatiha once or Tasbihat al – Arba’ah three times, and if it (the Tasbihat) is read only once, it is sufficient.
Tasbihat Arba’ah
Subhanallahi Wal Hamdu Lillahi Wa La ilaha Lallahu Wallahu Akbar.
(Glory be to Allah, and all praise is for Him and there is no one worth worshipping other than Allah, and He is Greater than any description).